Sorry folks, I know you wanted me to say it was Spring Break Time, which it is but for your college career, scholarships are more important than spring break. When I was in undergrad it was hard for me to apply for scholarships. I felt that time could be used making money at my part-time job or studying. Why work so hard to find these scholarships when chances were, I would not get them. I did get pushed into apply for a few and I did not get them. But, I am still applying now. You may be asking why? And why would I be tell you folks to do so?
There are a ton of scholarships out there and yes the chances are not great but the more you do, and the better you do, the better chance of landing AT LEAST one. And, winning $500 is worth a lot of time, about 50 hours for a student. So, tell me, have you spent 50 hours working on scholarships? I know I have not. I have two that I will be working on, one due in April and one due in December. I have spent about seven hours on the one due in April and it is almost done. Once it is done, I plan to find one more.
It is hard to get excited about scholarship because the reward does not often come through. But it can. I know of many people, my husband included who received them. People are not tricking students, and they want students to apply. So, I give you this challenge during Spring Break give yourself a 3-5 hours and find and work on a scholarship application. Five hours will mean my scholarship application will done and I will have found a second. Let me know in the comment if you plan to try for this challenge.
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